=== RGAD - Replay Gain Adjustment (class 3) === Specified at http://replaygain.hydrogenaudio.org/file_format_id3v2.html {{{
Peak Amplitude $xx $xx $xx $xx Radio Replay Gain Adjustment $xx $xx Audiophile Replay Gain Adjustment $xx $xx Header consists of: Frame ID $52 $47 $41 $44 = "RGAD" Size $00 $00 $00 $08 Flags $40 $00 (%01000000 %00000000) In the RGAD frame, the flags state that the frame should be preserved if the ID3v2 tag is altered, but discarded if the audio data is altered. }}} This is not widely supported and I think it has been superseded by RVA2 in ID3v2.4 (and the XRVA tag for 2.3 compatibility).