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Revision 4 as of 2012-10-08 22:15:39

location: Contributors


Idea by Martin Nilsson & Michael Mutschler

Document by Martin Nilsson & Johan Sundstrom

Other ID3v2 contributors (Sorry if I missed you. In order of appearance) Michael Mutschler, Christian Landgren, Steve Scherf, Ti Kan, Andreas Sigfridsson, Wataru Ishida, Kevin Bowen, Brian Stucker, Michael Ravkin, Joseph de Castelnau, Alexandre Zonine, Dave Walton, Michael Robertson, Martin Axlid, Geoffrey Elliott, Dirk Mahoney, Turadg Aleahmad, Michael Robb, Stefan Neufeind, James Webb, Guillaume Lessard, Scott Haug, Ron Goodman, Justin Rogers, Jason Molenda etc.

Original website by Martin Nilsson

ID3v2 Programming Guidelines by James Lin

Current website by Dan O'Neill

Web hosting courtesy of Trusonic, Inc. http://www.trusonic.com

Copyright © 1998-2024 by their respective owners