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[DIFF] 06:19 [INFO] DanONeill
[DIFF] 01:58 [INFO] DanONeill
[DIFF] 03:36 [INFO] DanONeill [1-6] #02 add amvidia Tag editor for Mac
#03 updated http to https for github links
#05 Added Swift library ID3TagEditor at the request of Fabrizio Duroni
#06 Added tagmp3 at the request of Imran Ahmed, founder of tagmp3.net.
[DIFF] 03:24 [INFO] DanONeill Scott Martin provided Eric Kemps original description and asked for it to be added for posterity.
[DIFF] 03:05 [INFO] DanONeill
[DIFF] 05:50 [INFO] Antispam subsystem
[DIFF] 17:06 [INFO] DanONeill
[DIFF] 03:20 [INFO] DanONeill
[DIFF] 21:50 [INFO] DanONeill Removed an entry that is not a compliance issue.


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